1.-I get up at 6:00
The gets up at 7:00
2. - I get dressed at 6:15
The gets dressed at 7:15
3.-I brush my teeth at 6:20
The brushes my teeth at 6:20
4.-I comb my hair
She broshes my hair
5.-I shave at 6:30
The shaves at 6:30
6.-I put on my makeap
The puts on my makeap
7.-I make dinner
The makes dinner
8. - I eat breakfast
The eats breakfast
9.-I come home at 4:00pm
The comes home at 6:00pm
10.-I get undressed
The gets undressed
11.-I take a shower
The takes a shower
12.-I take a bath at 6:00pm
The takes a bath at 7:00pm
13.-I watch TV
The watches TV
14.-I go to bed
The goes to bed
15.-I wash the dishes
The washes the dishes
16.-I exercise basket ball
The exercises basket ball
17.-I clean the house
The cleans the house
18.-I take a nap
The takes a nap
19.-I do the laundry
The does the laundry
20.-I listen to music
The listens to music
21.-I read
The reads
22.-I take out the garbage
The takes out the garbage
23.-I go shopping
The goes shopping
24.-I play soccer
The plays soccer
25.-I check e-mail
The checks e-mail